It’s going to be a great year!

Some of the left hand side and more of the right is in order

Some of the left hand side and more of the right is in order

So it’s a new year, and I must say I have been having completely uncharacteristic thoughts about new years resolutions. Odd seeing as I have never had the desire to attempt the less eating less drinking more exercise varieties of resolution. Too much pressure, and I think I am at heart somewhat of a little H hedonist. Never met a pizza that didn’t have my name on it.

I am a creature of habit though, just ask my husband about my favourite wine. Which I always have. Always… and I am not kidding. This year is different. It has occurred to me that I have turned what was my hobby once a lifetime ago into my career, into my obsession. You could call it an unhealthy habit.

Hello. My name is Melissa Harris and I am a workaholic.

A lovely Facebook friend and follower volunteered that she never makes new year resolutions. Instead she chooses a word that holds meaning for her, and acts upon that word throughout the year. I love that! So I have chosen my word. Balance. My husband always tells me not to kill the golden goose and I think that having a narrow work obsessed life might just kill creativity, which are my golden eggs.

So here we go 2014.


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