
So I am not the most prolific blogger in the world I grant you. I have been concentrating on Facebook , Pinterest and to a lesser degree Twitter, and now I feel bad that I have neglected my blog for so long. When I say that time flies, it’s lightning speed that I am talking about. Anyway I am now officially on it so I suppose I will have to neglect Pinterest this week instead!

While I was at an enormous jewellery and gem trade show in Las Vegas 3 weeks ago, I got inspired to do some design work for brides to be out there. Not big rocks (unless they ask me to of course) but something pretty, something classic and something a little different.

I dont believe in the 2 months salary $$ for the ring. I don’t believe in any rules when it comes to getting married and what a couple want to wear to signify their commitment. So here is something from my digital mood board. A delightful marriage proposal and one of my favourites…